
Whom to contact :

Benjamin Audoux (CMI),
tel.+33 4 13 55 14 62
e-mail : audoux[AT]
  • is the main organiser of events in Marseille.
Paolo Bellingeri (LMNO),
tel.+33 2 31 56 74 58
e-mail : paolo.bellingeri[AT]
  • is in charge of the VasKho website
  • is the main organiser of events in Caen.
Jean-Baptiste Meilhan (IF),
tel.+33 4 76 51 43 08
e-mail : jean-baptiste.meilhan[AT]
  • is the coordinator of the VasKho project
  • the main organiser of events in Grenoble.
Emmanuel Wagner (IMB),
tel.+33 3 80 39 90 49
  • is in charge of the financial management of the VasKho project
  • is the main organiser of events in Dijon.

Where to find us :

Benjamin Audoux
CMI, Université de Provence
Technopôle Château Gombert
39, rue Frédéric Joliot Curie
13453 Marseille cedex 13

Paolo Bellingeri
Laboratoire de Mathématiques Nicolas Oresme
Université de Caen BP 5186
F 14032 Caen Cedex

Jean-Baptiste Meilhan
Institut Fourier - Université Grenoble 1
100 rue des Maths - BP 74
38402 St Martin d'Hères

Emmanuel Wagner
Institut Mathématique de Bourgogne
Université de Bourgogne
9 avenue Alain Savary
BP 47870
21078 Dijon Cedex